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FREE Consult
Rockport Practice
Rapha Body Tune-up Form
First name
Last name
How are you feeling in general about your progress right now: 1-10?
Why did you choose the # above?
What is it I believe about my body this situation is showing me?
What specific outcome are you currently focused on? Remember: be SPECIFIC. Don't just say "better" - If it was clear and specific and done and stated in the positive/present tense, how would you clearly write your outcome?
What got in the way of you achieving your outcomes?
What are the top “symptoms” that usually hold you back from moving forward?
Rate your current Stress level: 1-10
Rate your digestion (bowel movements, reflux, heartburn, gas, bloating) over the last 5 days: 1-10
Rate your current pain level: 1-10
Rate your sleep over the last 5 days: 1-10
Rate your hydration over the last 5 days: 1-10
What supportive body practices are you doing consistently?
What else do you want me to know?
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